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At AbsorbItAll, we offer a 100% natural mineral-based humidity management system.  Our filters are self-sustaining and require no external energy to function, making them an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution. With strong magnets, our filters are easy to install and require no permanent fixtures, saving time and hassle.



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AbsorbItAll filters are incredibly simple, natural and efficient products.  

An AbsorbItAll filter is comprised of two parts: 

A porous filter bag that houses a specific mineral mixture

A lightweight magnetic aluminium casing in which the filter bag sits

Inside the filter bag is a measured amount of locally sourced dessicant minerals that perform two primary functions:

Moisture control & pathogen absorption

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The AbsorbItAll filters are positioned in front of the fans on the ceiling of the cold room, allowing for optimal airflow to pass over the minerals.

How does it work?

Excess moisture is absorbed

The minerals used are hygroscopic, meaning they have the ability to absorb and retain moisture.  If the environment becomes too dry, moisture is released thus a stable relative humidity is achieved.

Temperature stabilizes & energy consumption reduces

Condensed moisture on product and cold room surfaces releases latent heat, causing temperature fluctuations, requiring the cooling system to work harder.  Reducing excess moisture and stabilizing the relative humidity helps to minimize these effects.

Relative humidity is stabilized

Excessive relative humidity (RH) causes condensation on cold room and product surfaces, promoting harmful microorganisms. Low RH leads to product dehydration, reducing shelf life, appearance, flavor, and quality. Stabilizing the RH absorbs and releases excess moisture to a desired point, hindering microorganism growth and slowing produce dehydration.

The minerals trap and retain pathogens and natural gases such as ethylene as air flows through the filtration system, effectively removing them. This improves air quality, reduces the risk of contamination and improves shelf life.

Want to know more? 

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